Wednesday, June 30, 2010

cygwin and gnupg

I upgraded my installation of cygwin from v1.7. to 1.7.5.  Doing so broke gnupg (v1.4.9, the version that comes with cygwin).  Others have encountered this too.

  $ /usr/bin/gpg --decrypt foo.txt.gpg
  gpg: can't lock memory: Permission denied

My solution - use the native Windows build of gnupg downloaded from
I had to copy the config over from ${HOME}/.gnupg to ${USERPROFILE}/.gnupg.

  $ /c/programfiles/GNU/GnuPG/gpg --decrypt foo.txt.gpg

  You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for

Problem solved.  I will wait till the cygwin distribution gets everything together.  In the meanwhile, I can get on with with my work.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Canon camera repair

Props to the Canon repair center in Virginia. I recently shipped a broken DSLR to them. Within an hour of receiving it, they sent email with a quote. (Deduced from the timestamp on their email and the Fedex delivery notification.) I responded that evening with the online payment (and rebuffed their attempt to upsell by declining an upgrade.) The camera was fixed and shipped the very next day. Quick and efficient service. Good show!

Monday, March 22, 2010

CGI on lighttpd

Installed lighttpd on an Ubuntu box over the weekend. Enabling CGI turned out to be a non-trivial exercise just because the online documentation was a bit confusing. The simplest config that will work is:

server.modules += ( "mod_cgi" )
$HTTP["url"] =~ "/cgi-bin/" {
cgi.assign = ( "" => "" )
alias.url += ("/cgi-bin/" => "/some/path/to/cgi-dir/"

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Thoughts on being Agile

Attended the 2010 Michigan Agile and Beyond "mostly free" conference on Saturday, March 13. There was a strong turnout - close to 400 people showed up on a rainy, blustery Saturday. Turned out to be wonderful day for being indoors.

A lot of attendees were unfamiliar about Agile (with a capital A - ie. use of any formal agile methodology, separate from agile the adjective - you can do the former without necessarily achieving the latter) and were there to get a better idea of what it was all about. A lot of questions asked during a panel discussion on "real-world" practice tended to reflect that - "what about large teams", "what about architecture", "is test-driven development realistic", "what about fixed-price bids?" All of these questions are valid, and the answers are often the same regardless of what the development methodology is. Coordination with large teams is always hard, exponentially so with increasing size. Power-point architecture doesn't work very well regardless, and the implementation phase always throws up previously unknown issues. Etc.

This theme continued during a lunch-time conversation with a couple of acquaintances from Ford. We have complex systems, and work with other teams that may not be agile. It requires longer analysis. The DBA team works with a 5-day SLA. Can't keep changing the database. I adopted the Socratic method, asking a series of questions that allowed them to question some underlying assumptions.

One of the speakers made a great point - to make it work, where it is adopting agile all the way concept to development, you need buy in from the very top and the very bottom. It will not fly unless both are absolutely committed.

There is an engineering aspect related to agile practices. But it is not all about making programmers work faster or just improving the development process. The iterative nature of agile is about enabling better decision-making by allowing course corrections sooner rather than later and by accommodating inevitable change.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Java on FF3.6 and Chrome

Both Firefox 3.6 and the Chrome browser require a minimum JRE version of 1.6.0_10. Simply install it and you are good to go. As of writing, the latest version is 1.6.0_18.

Friday, August 07, 2009

Copy or move?

Windows XP shows this dialog when you drag files from a zip file to a folder. Is it asking for the difference between copy and move (in which case the yes/no options have no meaning)? Or is it questioning the standard Windows function of dragging files from one window to another?

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Google Calendar sync broken!

Google calendar sync stopped working all of a sudden. Gives a spurious "please connect to the internet error". Others have had the same problem. It does not even generate any logs for me to look at. :(

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Best capers of 2008

A blog entry on with a list of seven great crimes from 2008.   Some interesting ones:
  1. The robber that lured decoys to the crime scene by advertising for construction workers on Craigslist.  He made off with $400,000 stolen from an armoured car but was caught a month later through a tip-off.
  2. An Eastern European website selling stolen identities that turns out to be a sting operation.
  3. The guy who wrote a script to open 60,000 new brokerage accounts to harvest the few pennies they deposit to verify bank accounts.
  4. The thieves that reprogrammed ATMs to think they were loaded with $1 bills instead of $20s, and managed to steal $13,000 before being caught.
  5. The gang that duplicated thousands of Citibank ATM cards and stole $2 million, only being caught because of a traffic stop.
These may not be the biggest crimes in terms of size, but are interesting primarily for their hack value.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Olympus not very helpful to their customers

I have an old Olympus VN-960 digital voice recorder. Wanting to use it after quite some time, I dusted it off, popped new batteries into it, and went online to download the latest drivers so that I could copy the recorded files onto my computer. Unlike every other company in the world that makes hardware, Olympus will not let you download the software without paying $20 for the privilege of doing so. The only reason that I can think of for doing so is to try and shakedown the customer whenever they can. Shame on Olympus for not making the drivers freely available online!

It is telling that the internet is closer for me than a CD with software stacked in one corner of the room.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Financial engineering