Saturday, March 25, 2006

Oklahoma city manager threatens Linux distro

Hilarious story about how the city manager of Tuttle, OK contacted a Linux distribution maker to complain about a 'hacked' website. His ISP had installed a new version of the OS and botched the website config so that it showed the default home page. Full transcript of email exchanges complete with strident threats to call in the FBI.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

TaxCut and Epson Stylus printers

TaxCut 2005 does not play nice with Epson Stylus printers.

1. It defaults to printing on 8x10 paper without actually scaling the page. You have to explicitly tell it that the paper is 8.5x11.
2. Some pages simply do not print correctly. There actually was help related to this on the TaxCut website. You have to turn spooling off and set the print processor to print as "RAW".